DURATION LIMITS, Better For Newcomers.
Billed 3 days.
Total 10 minutes per day
Up to 5 mins per video.
No Watermark
Up to 1280*720(OR 720*1080)
10 times a day for faceswap
NO DURATION LIMITS, better for Creators
Fast Processing(5x Faster)
Total 120 minutes per month.
Max to 20 mins per video.
Free to use GPT-4, Image generator and else all.
Art Studio Support.(With paid status, you get 5 official support sessions per month, and we'll deliver your movie directly to you!)
Max to 5mins Per Video
Billed 1 day.
Same as 3 days.
10 times a day for faceswap
Max to 5mins per video
Billed 7 days.
Same as 3 Days.
10 times a day for faceswap
2x Faster
Up to 10 mins per video.
Best For Business
Same as FUSION 1.2/1.5
unlimited duration.
Max to 20 mins per video.
The Most Powerful Plan
Private queue
Max to 90 mins per video.
unlimited duration.
Customer Manual Service